Aircraft Builders-Museums-Collectors-War Buffs

Revi 16B-German Luftwaffe Optical Gun Sight

gun sight
The gun sight is used with the aircraft fixed weapons, both synchronized and unsynchronized. The gun sight can be mounted in any position, it can be attached to electrical system(with modification). The dimmer controls on the right rear is a mock-up. The gun sight includes night filter, non-reflective cover glass, sighting lens, interior mirrors with focusing lenes and reflector plates. Line of sight can be adjusted, up or down minus 3 degrees, horizontally and vertically. The interior lights used with a pen light flash light. The rear of the gun sight has a protective cover to prevent pilot injury. The photo has been modified to fit our ME-109 aircraft. The one we will be supplying will have mill aluminum finish. Limited supply. $200.00 each

Luftwaffe Control Sticks Grip

stick stick1 Control stick grip is used on the ME-109, FW190, ME-262 and Mig 15 jet. Solid aluminum, mill finish, 3 pieces. Unit must be drilled to fit. Top of the grip has a flip-top machine gun activator trigger. Photo shows firing switches and press to talk switch (not included). Approximate size 71/2" X 21/2". Exact replica of original. Limited supply. $100.00 each

ME-109 Vertical Stabilator

stabilator This stabilator is hand crafted and is constructed
better than the original factory stabilator.
Limited supply $1800.00 ea.

Hand Operated Boom Lift
lift 1700 lb Hand operated boon lift
Only 6 left $165.00 ea.

ME-109 Seat
chair $1100.00 plus shipping

Aircraft Tiedowns
tiedown Aircraft rachet tiedown $20.00 ea. + $5.00 s&h

Shoulder Seatbelt Harnesses Assembly
seatbelt Shoulder seatbelt harnesses assembly - New
Manufactured by Beechcraft Corp. Part# 91-530021-1-C
$125.00 + shipping

Also avialable Original ME-109 G6 floating nut plates, gold plated. comes with authentic Luftwaffe aircraft work number and serial number. Ideal to put on a plaque or aircraft memorabila. $25.00 each

Patch   (picture)
$5.00 + postage
ME-109 Team T-Shirt
$10.00 + postage

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